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Context screen

The context screen lets you select which contaminant(s) is relevant for your study. If your study includes modelling concentration in food items, or if you just need to enumerate food items that the local population consume, this is where you define them. If you are calculating exposure to more than a single individual, you can define which individuals to model here.

The context screen is located after the model screen, as the model components determine which contaminants are available, or which types of food you can include.

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The Available list shows all the contaminants for which there are (or might be) default parameter values. Select a contaminant in the list to include it in your study. If the contaminant you are studying is not in the list, you can add a new contaminant by clicking the Add button. You can add new substances based on Simplified Molecular Input Line Entry System (SMILES) that is used as input in VEGA tool.


When you add a human intake model, this tab allows you to specify which food items is/are relevant for your study. The list displays a list of ingestibles which can be modelled by the software. If you have included a model for Soil, and want to include the exposure pathway “ingestion of soil”, you must select Soil in this list.

If you want to include exposure through ingestion of food which is external to the investigated region, click the Add button. Select an external ingestion source and click Remove to remove it.


If you have added the body model or the human intake models for populations, this is where you specify which different individuals or groups of people you need to investigate.

Click Add to add a single individual, Add many… to generate a list of individuals (useful if your study includes many individuals). The Remove button, like expected, removes an individual.


To set up scenarios, click the Scenario button on the right hand side of the screen.

The scenarios panel lists all scenarios defined for the project.

New scenarios can be defined by either clicking the Add button or by right-clicking the window and selecting Create from the menu. You can also select which objects depend on scenario by clicking the Select button.


Each item (row) in the table details one scenario. The table can be sorted on a specific property by clicking it's column.

  • Enabled - Allows you to exclude scenarios from the simulation. Simulations will only be run for scenarios which are enabled.
  • Name - The name of the scenario. This name will also be the name displayed in the charts screen and tables screen after a simulation.
  • Description - The description of the scenario.
  • SS - Simulation settings: click this button to specify simulations settings which are specific to the scenario. For reference see simulation settings.
  • PS - Probabilistic settings: click this button to specify probabilistic settings which are specific to the scenario. For reference see probabilistic settings.
  • SS - Sensitivity analysis settings. Click this button to specify sensitivity analysis settings which are specific to the scenario. For reference see sensitivity analysis settings.

To display the menu, right click anywhere inside the window.

Create Adds a new scenario.
Edit Opens an edit dialog window for the selected scenario.
Find… Lets you search for text appearing in the table.
Enable/Disable Toggle enabled for the selected scenarios.
Select all Selects all rows in the table.
Copy text Copy the text in the table to the system clipboard.
Delete Deletes all selected scenarios from the system.
Select… Select objects which values should vary depending on scenario.
context_screen.txt · Last modified: 2025/01/16 16:32 by boris