Simulation results are necessary to create charts and tables. You can mix results from different simulations in the same chart or table. By exporting (and importing) results, you can include results from other simulations in your project in order to compare or benchmark results.
Simulation results can also be used as a source of data for lookup tables and parameters.
The charts screen and the tables screen lists all available simulation results on the left hand side. Right-click a simulation result folder and select Export results….
A window appears which lets you select what data to export. When you click Ok another window will prompt you for a file name.
Simulation results can be stored either in a binary format (*.ear) or an ASCII, tab separated format (*.txt). The format will be determined by which of the two extensions you choose.
Right-click the result list in either the charts screen or the tables screen and select Import results… from the menu.
You will be prompted for a file name. When the results are imported they will appear in the list.